
位于蒙蒂塞洛的阿肯色大学于1909年根据美国国会的一项法案成立 阿肯色州大会服务于东南地区的教育需求 阿肯色州. Originally called the Fourth District Agricultural School, the University opened its doors September 14, 1910. In 1925, the General Assembly authorized the 学校更名为第四区农业机械学院. It received accreditation as a junior college in 1928. In 1939, the name was changed 阿肯色农业和机械学院,并获得认证 four-year institution in 1940.

阿肯色州的一个&M became part of the University of 阿肯色州 system 1971年7月1日. 大学 是由阿肯色大学董事会管理的,该董事会也监管着 在贝茨维尔、迪昆、费耶特维尔、史密斯堡、海伦娜、 Hope, 小石城, Morrilton, and Pine Bluff.

2003年7月1日,PT电子扩大了其使命,包括职业技术教育 当PT电子技术学院克罗塞特和PT电子技术学院麦吉 成为澳门大学的一部分,以建立一个全面的高等教育体系 Southeast 阿肯色州.


1909 -根据大会第100号法令设立的第四区农业学校 of the State of 阿肯色州 on April 1.
1910  -第四区农业学校董事会一致选择了蒙蒂塞洛 由法官威廉·特纳·威尔斯(William Turner Wells)的家人提供的土地作为学校的所在地; John Spence named superintendent; Main Building, Willard Hall, Sorrells Hall completed; first classes held September 14.
1912 - Wells Hall, named for Judge William Turner Wells, completed.
1913 - Frank Horsfall named president.
1925 -根据法令更名为第四区农业机械学院 45 of the General Assembly of the State of 阿肯色州.
1926 ——费斯特斯H. Russell named interim president; National Guard Armory completed.
1927 - Frank Horsfall named president again, to serve through 1934.
1928 - Junior college accreditation received from North Central.
1932 - Harris Hall, named for Trustee C.T. Harris, and Horsfall Hall, named for President Horsfall’s wife, Margaret, dedicated.
1934 - College celebrates 25th anniversary.
1935 - Hugh Critz named president; Fine 艺术 Building, Student Commons, and Cotton Boll 体育场完成.
1936 ——马文. Bankston named president.
1939 -正式更名为阿肯色农业机械学院 A&M College) by Act 106 of the General Assembly of the State of 阿肯色州.
1940 - Science Building completed; senior college accreditation received from North Central.
1943 - Navy V-12 Program instituted.
1945 - Forestry program begins.
1946 ——威廉·E. Morgan named president.
1949 ——贺拉斯. Thompson named president.
1952 - Student Union Building completed.
1956 - Jeter Hall, named for Trustee R.E. 队长,完成.
1957 - Forestry Building dedicated.
1959 - A&M celebrates 50th anniversary; Fieldhouse completed.
1960 - Jack Mears named president.
1961 - Maxwell Hall, named for Trustee Ray Maxwell, completed.
1962 ——克劳德·H. Babin named president.
1964 - Science Center dedicated.
1971 ——阿肯色A&M College merges with the University of 阿肯色州 to become the University of 阿肯色州 at 蒙蒂塞洛 on July 1.
1976 -美术中心、新行政大楼和农业大楼落成.
1977 ——弗雷德. Taylor named chancellor.
1980 - PT电子 receives first unconditional accreditation from North Central.
1983 - Department of 护理 receives accreditation from National League of 护理; John F. Gibson University Center dedicated.
1984 - PT电子 celebrates 75th Diamond Jubilee; Department of Forest Resources accredited by the Society of American Foresters.
1986 -获得国家认证委员会颁发的教育学院认证 of Teacher 教育.
1988 -音乐系获得全国学校协会的认可 的音乐.
1994 - PT电子离开阿肯色大学校际会议和NAIA参加南海湾会议 and NCAA Division II.
1999 -获得社会事务委员会社会工作学士学位课程认证 Work 教育;  University 图书馆 and Technology Center dedicated.
2003 -麦吉的大河技术学院和森林回声技术学院 在克罗塞特与PT电子合并,并更名为PT电子麦吉技术学院 and the PT电子 College of Technology at Crossett on July  1.
2004 - University 图书馆 and Technology Center renamed Fred J. Taylor 图书馆 and Technology Center in honor of retiring chancellor; Jack Lassiter named chancellor.
2006 - Weevil Pond, Weevil Walk, and Willard Hall renovated.
2008 - Convoy Leslie Cotton Boll Stadium renovated; on the Crossett campus, expanded Main building to add a 书店 and constructed Industrial Technology building.
2009 - Wells Hall and Sorrells Hall renovated; new Indoor Practice Facility opens; PT电子 celebrates centennial and Centennial Clock Tower erected.
2010 - Renovated a donated building for the PT电子 教育al Center in Hamburg.
2011 - PT电子 leaves the Gulf South Conference to join the Great American Conference; PT电子 acquired the Taylor House.
2012 ——乔治·H. Clippert Forest Resources Annex dedicated.
2013 -对班克斯顿大厅进行了翻新和扩建,从男生改为男女同校 residential facility; 兰迪年代. Risher Wellness Center dedicated; CC “Cliff” Gibson, III appointed to the UA Board of Trustees for a 10-year term.
2015 - Fine 艺术 Center renovated; HLC continues PT电子 accreditation for another 10 years.
2016 - Karla Hughes named Chancellor; Sandra Campbell Memorial Classroom dedicated.
2017 - PT电子 celebrates 108th birthday; Botanical Research Building and PT电子 Sundell Herbarium dedicated; Student Learning Commons in the Taylor 图书馆 and Technology Center dedicated.
2018 -获得国家护理学院护理教育认证 League for 护理 Commission; School of Forestry and 自然资源 and School 农学院合并为林农资源学院; 学生成功中心和大学警察局建立并投入使用.
2019 -室内训练设施更名为Judy and Jack Lassiter室内训练设施; Horsfall Hall renovated and rededicated; JavaCity renovated and renamed Boll Weevil Bistro, Proudly Serving Starbucks.
2020 ——Peggy M. Doss named Chancellor; Royer Hall becomes 音乐ian only Residence Hall; PT电子, UA系统农业部门和五橡树公司之间建立伙伴关系 Research and 教育 Center.
2022 - Fine 艺术 Center, Science Center, and Agriculture building renovated; 阿肯色州 Center for Forest 业务 established and dedicated; Taylor House/Hollywood Plantation renovated and dedicated; renovation of natatorium into Athletic Performance Center.
2023 - Willard Hall entrance, Trotter House, and 1937 House renovated; 认证 received for Bachelor of 社会 Work program by the Council on 社会 Work 教育; Athletic Performance Center renamed Kenneth H. Hunt Athletic Performance Center.


根据大会第100号法令设立的第四区农业学校 of the State of 阿肯色州; first classes held September 14, 1910.

更名为第四区农业机械学院 45 of the General Assembly of the State of 阿肯色州. 这个名字 change was “in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.“是的。 approved February 10, 1925.

Junior college accreditation received from North Central.

正式更名为阿肯色农业机械学院 A&M College) by Act 106 of the General Assembly of the State of 阿肯色州. 这个名字 change “shall be in force from and after its passage as by law prescribed.“是的。 approved February 20, 1939.

Senior college accreditation received from North Central.

阿肯色州的一个&M College merged with the University of 阿肯色州 to become the University of 阿肯色州 at 蒙蒂塞洛.

麦吉的大河技术学院和森林回声技术学院 克罗塞特大学与位于蒙蒂塞洛的阿肯色大学合并 2003 Acts of 阿肯色州. They were renamed University of 阿肯色州 at 蒙蒂塞洛 College 麦克吉理工大学和阿肯色大学蒙蒂塞洛理工学院克罗塞特分校. 阿肯色大学董事会批准了两大河流的合并 技校于2002年12月2日召开专门会议,并合并 Forest Echoes Technical Institute at a special meeting on January 9, 2003. 这两个特殊的 会议在阿肯色大学系统管理董事会会议室举行 小石城.